

10 Best Vault Drills for Beginners: A Comprehensive Guide

Micah Sparks
Author Micah Sparks

Vaulting is a sport that requires skill and agility, and is great for athletes who want to improve their athleticism and coordination. It is also a great way for people who are looking for a full-body workout. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced athlete, vault drills are essential for mastering the techniques of the sport. This article provides an overview of what vaulting is, why you should incorporate vault drills into your training, the benefits of doing them, and the 10 best vault drills for beginners.

What is Vaulting and What Are Vault Drills?

Vaulting is a gymnastics event that combines elements of tumbling and acrobatics. It involves running and jumping off a springboard to perform a series of flips and twists in the air, before landing on a padded horse or other apparatus. Vault drills help athletes to practice the correct technique for vaulting and refine their movements in order to improve their performance. The drills focus on building strength, flexibility, and coordination, as well as boosting agility and improving body awareness.

Vault drills can include a variety of exercises, such as running and jumping drills, core exercises, and drills that focus on specific skills, such as handstands and flips. It is important to practice vault drills regularly in order to maintain and improve technique, as well as to prevent injury. With consistent practice, athletes can develop the strength and coordination needed to perform successful vaults.

Why Should You Incorporate Vault Drills into Your Training?

Vault drills are valuable for athletes who want to improve their vaulting technique and performance. They help athletes to develop the skills needed to perform more complex vaults, such as the handspring or double front. Vault drills also help athletes to increase their strength and flexibility, enabling them to move faster and more accurately. Additionally, drills can help to sharpen reflexes and reaction time, which is essential for any gymnast.

Vault drills can also help to improve coordination and balance, which are key components of successful vaulting. By practicing drills regularly, athletes can become more comfortable with the movements and techniques required for successful vaulting. Furthermore, drills can help to build confidence, as athletes become more familiar with the movements and techniques. This can help to reduce the fear of failure and increase the likelihood of success.

The Benefits of Doing Vault Drills

Vault drills are an important part of any gymnast's training program because they help to improve overall athleticism, coordination, balance, and agility. The drills also help to increase strength and flexibility. Furthermore, by developing correct technique, athletes can reduce their risk of injury. Ultimately, doing vault drills will help athletes with their performance on the vault and enable them to master more complex movements.

The 10 Best Vault Drills for Beginners

Whether you are just starting out in vaulting or you are an experienced athlete looking to refine your technique, the following vault drills can help you develop your skills. These drills are suitable for beginners but can also be beneficial for more experienced athletes.

Drill #1: Two-Step Vault

The two-step vault is one of the most basic vault drills and is a great way to start learning the fundamentals of vaulting. It involves running at the springboard and taking two quick steps before planting off the board. This drill helps to refine the running approach and helps athletes to become more comfortable launching off the board.

Drill #2: Straddle Vault

The straddle vault is another basic drill designed to help athletes become comfortable with launching off the board. It involves running at the board and taking two quick steps before launching off with both feet together. This drill helps to develop coordination and balance while teaching proper technique.

Drill #3: Double Leg Launch

The double leg launch drill helps athletes to develop the skill of launching off the board with both legs at the same time. It involves running at the board and taking two quick steps before launching off with both legs together. This drill helps to improve coordination and balance while teaching proper technique.

Drill #4: Speed Vault

The speed vault is a drill designed to increase speed and power while vaulting. It involves running at the springboard and taking two quick steps before launching off with both feet together. This drill helps to improve coordination, agility, and speed while teaching proper technique.

Drill #5: Lateral Vault

The lateral vault is a drill designed to develop proper technique for side vaults. It involves running at the springboard and taking two quick steps before launching off with one foot forward and one foot back. This drill helps to improve coordination and balance while teaching proper technique.

Drill #6: Box Jump

The box jump is an important drill for developing power while vaulting. It involves jumping onto a box or platform from a standing start. This drill helps to develop power and explosive strength while teaching proper technique.

Drill #7: Shoulder Roll

The shoulder roll is a drill designed to teach athletes how to roll on their shoulders during a vault. It involves taking two quick steps and launching off the springboard while rolling onto the shoulders. This drill helps to improve coordination, balance, and timing while teaching proper technique.

Drill #8: Hurdle Hop

The hurdle hop is a drill designed to develop agility and coordination while vaulting. It involves hopping over small hurdles or boxes with both feet together. This drill helps to improve coordination, agility, and timing while teaching proper technique.

Drill #9: Dive Roll

The dive roll is a drill designed to develop proper technique for dive rolls. It involves running at the springboard and taking two quick steps before diving forward and rolling onto the shoulders. This drill helps to improve coordination, balance, agility, and timing while teaching proper technique.

Drill #10: Layback Roll

The layback roll is a drill designed to teach athletes how to roll onto their back during a vault. It involves running at the springboard and taking two quick steps before rolling onto the back. This drill helps to improve coordination, balance, agility, and timing while teaching proper technique.

Tips for Doing Vault Drills Safely and Effectively

  • Start by mastering basic drills before progressing onto more complex movements.
  • Make sure you have enough space around you when performing drills.
  • Warm up properly before doing any drills.
  • Focus on developing good technique as opposed to going quickly through the motions.
  • Train with a spotter when possible.
  • Land safely by bending at the knees upon landing.


Vault drills are an essential part of any athlete's training program as they help to develop strength, flexibility, coordination, balance, agility, and power. The 10 best vault drills for beginners listed above are all suitable for beginner level athletes but can also be beneficial for more experienced athletes who are looking to refine their technique. Remember to always practice safety first when doing any type of exercise or physical activity.

Micah Sparks
Author Micah Sparks
Published at: December 02, 2022 December 02, 2022

More insight about 10 Best Vault Drills for Beginners: A Comprehensive Guide

More insight about 10 Best Vault Drills for Beginners: A Comprehensive Guide