

10 Pole Vault Drills You Can Do at Home

Micah Sparks
Author Micah Sparks

Are you a pole vaulter looking to get some extra practice in at home? You don’t need a ton of equipment to get the most out of your workouts. In fact, there are plenty of pole vault drills you can do at home with minimal equipment and space. In this article, we’ll discuss 10 pole vault drills you can do at home.

The Basics of Pole Vaulting

Before we get into the actual drills, let’s quickly cover the basics of pole vaulting. In pole vaulting, you launch yourself up into the air with the help of a pole, aiming to clear an overhead bar or other obstacle. The most important factors for a successful pole vault are speed, power, and technique.

Speed is essential for a successful pole vault, as it helps you to generate the power needed to propel yourself up and over the bar. Power is also important, as it helps you to generate the force needed to lift yourself up and over the bar. Finally, technique is key, as it helps you to use the pole and your body in the most efficient way possible to maximize your speed and power.

Preparing for Your Home Workouts

Before you start doing pole vault drills at home, it’s important to make sure you have the proper equipment and set up. You’ll need a sturdy pole that is long enough for your height and weight. You’ll also need a surface that is wide enough and soft enough to protect you from injury if you fall. It’s also a good idea to invest in some safety equipment such as helmets, knee pads, and wrist guards.

In addition to the equipment, you should also make sure you have enough space to practice your drills. You should also make sure that the area is free from any obstacles that could cause you to trip or fall. Finally, it’s important to warm up your body before you start your drills. This will help you avoid any injuries and ensure that you get the most out of your workout.

Warm-Up Exercises for Pole Vaulting

Warm-up exercises are an essential part of any exercise routine, and pole vaulting is no different. Before doing any of the drills below, make sure to warm up your muscles with dynamic stretches such as arm circles, leg swings, and jump squats. This will help prepare your muscles for the more strenuous activities and protect them from injury.

Once you have completed your dynamic stretches, you can move on to more specific warm-up exercises for pole vaulting. These exercises should focus on the muscles used in the pole vault, such as the core, arms, and legs. Examples of exercises include jumping jacks, burpees, and mountain climbers. Doing these exercises will help you get your body ready for the pole vault and help you perform at your best.

Core Strength Exercises for Pole Vaulting

Having strong core muscles is essential for pole vaulting because it helps you generate the power and speed needed for take-off. To build core strength at home, you can do exercises such as planks, sit-ups, crunches, and mountain climbers. For an extra challenge, set up a resistance band to add resistance to your exercises.

In addition to these exercises, you can also incorporate exercises such as Russian twists, leg lifts, and side planks to target your core muscles from different angles. Make sure to focus on proper form and technique when doing these exercises to ensure you are getting the most out of your workout.

Plyometric Drills for Pole Vaulting

Plyometric drills are a great way to increase your power and speed for pole vaulting. Examples of plyometric drills include box jumps, depth jumps, and depth drop jumps. These exercises involve jumping and landing with force, which helps strengthen your muscles and improve explosiveness.

It is important to perform these drills with proper form and technique. Make sure to land softly and absorb the impact with your legs. Additionally, focus on keeping your core tight and your arms in the correct position. With practice, you will be able to increase your power and speed for pole vaulting.

Balance and Agility Drills for Pole Vaulting

Balance and agility are essential components of successful pole vaulting. To improve balance and agility at home, you can do exercises such as hurdle hops, side shuffles, and single-leg jumps. You can also set up mini hurdles or cones to practice jumping over obstacles in your path.

In addition to these drills, you can also practice running with a pole to get used to the feeling of carrying a pole while running. This will help you to develop the coordination and agility needed to vault successfully. You can also practice running with a pole while jumping over obstacles to further develop your agility and coordination.

Drills to Improve Technique and Form

Having good technique and form is key for a successful pole vault. To practice your technique and form, you can set up an imaginary runway in your living room or in your backyard. Then practice running down the runway and doing the proper steps with your pole. You can also practice jumping without a pole to make sure your body is in the correct position when you take off.

In addition to practicing your technique and form, you should also practice your grip on the pole. Make sure you are gripping the pole firmly and securely, and that your hands are in the correct position. You should also practice your plant, which is the moment when you plant the pole in the ground and use it to propel yourself into the air. Practicing your plant will help you get the most out of your pole vault.

How to Safely Practice at Home

When practicing pole vaulting at home, it’s important to take safety precautions. Make sure that you have a soft landing surface in case you fall. Wear protective gear such as helmets and wrist guards, as well as clothes that fit snugly. Also make sure that you have a spotter nearby who can help ensure that you land safely.

Tips and Tricks for Maximizing Results

If you want to get the most out of your home workouts, there are a few tips and tricks you can keep in mind. First, make sure to warm up before each session and cool down afterwards. Also make sure to rest adequately between workouts to give your body time to recover. Additionally, focus on technique over power—it will pay off in the long run.

By following these 10 pole vault drills you can do at home, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a better pole vaulter. With dedication and practice, you’ll be able to maximize your performance when it counts.

Micah Sparks
Author Micah Sparks
Published at: December 08, 2022 December 08, 2022

More insight about 10 Pole Vault Drills You Can Do at Home

More insight about 10 Pole Vault Drills You Can Do at Home