PLANT, TAKE OFF, PENETRATION, ROCK-BACK, Turn to the left and Land on the back.
Planting of the pole commences on the next to last contact
of the left foot by pushing the pole forward.
Bring the left arm forward.
The plant must be high, fast and early.
On contact with the right foot, raise the right arm quickly
forward and upwards, like the uppercut of a boxer, until
the arm is fully extended.
Keep the arm close to the body.
At the completion of the plant, the chest leans into the
pole and lead the body forwards.
The plant seen from behind for a right
handed vaulter.
Planting of the pole commences on the next
to last contact of the left foot.
Bring the left arm forward and up.
The plant must be high, fast and early.
The lower arm assists in bending and
directing the pole and to keep the vaulterβs
body behind and away from the pole.
This is done by keeping the arm rigged.
Do not collapse the lower arm.
The eyes should be looking between the hands and not towards the box.
The take-off foot should land flatfooted on the ground.
The vaulter achieves total body

Both arms must be stretched.
Drive the thigh of the non take-off leg vigorously upward
(1) until well after take-off took place.
Push the left arm forwards and upwards.
The left arm must not collapse.
Freeze in the take-off position.

The take-off leg should be pushed backwards
and kept extended to aid the penetration and to
assist the vaulterβs swing.

The swinging should not be to long because too
much penetration will reduce the ability to reach
an effective extended position on the pole.

If you swing too long, you will have too much energy to swing and you will not be able to swing

Draw both legs in to the chest during rockback (1).
Bend the left arm slowly to bring the body
and pole closer together.
At the end of the rock-back stage, the back
is roughly parallel with the ground.
The head remains in line with the upper

The rock-back position must be achieved by
the time the pole reaches its maximum bend.

Keep the legs parallel with the pole (1). Keep the body as straight as possible.
The lower arm must keep the body close to the pole.

The upper arm, which is still straight, should pull directly down the line of the pole simultaneously with the hip elevation and the poleβs recoil.

The turn must be delayed as long as possible.

It is imperative that the turn is delayed for as long as possible.

The turn commenced through the pull of both arms.

As a result, there is a natural moment during which the two arms will both be pulled simultaneously in the middle of a turn in order to initiate the turn, at the exact same moment.
Turn to the left.
Turn the stomach towards the bar.
Push off from the pole with the right arm (2).
During the clearance the centre of gravity must be
kept above the handgrip.

To assist this, the vaulter must drop his legs by
flexing at the hips.

Allow the arms to follow the curve rather than
pulling them up to avoid the chest from touching
the bar. Depress the stomach and turn the elbows
outward, not upwards.
Land on the back.
What should I do when planting the pole?
Plant the pole like you're about to punch someone in the face. Bring the left arm forward, and push the pole forward with your left foot. On contact with the right foot, raise the right arm quickly and upwards, like the uppercut of a boxer. Keep the arm close to the body.
What is the Plant?
The Plant is the action of planting the pole into the ground with your left foot and then pushing the pole forward with your left arm and raising your right arm quickly forward and upwards, like the uppercut of a boxer, until the arm is fully extended.
Why is the plant high and fast?
The plant must be high, fast and early in order to clear the bar. The lower arm assists in bending and directing the pole and to keep the vaulterβs body behind and away from the pole.
When planting the pole, where is the left foot when it makes the last contact?
The left foot is on the left-to-right side of the body, just in front of the left hip.
What must be done to ensure successful penetration?
The limbs must be extended and the take-off leg pushed backwards to ensure penetration.
Why must I push the left arm forwards and upwards?
The left arm must not collapse so that the vaulter can get a good penetration and swing.
Why must I do a rock-back with my pole?
To achieve the rock-back position, the pole must reach a bend in its arm.
What is the rock-back position?
The rock-back position is when the pole is bent to its maximum and the back is roughly parallel with the ground.
Why should I delay the turn?
Delaying the turn allows the vaulter to use more power to clear the pole and reduces the chance of hitting the ground before reaching the end of the runway.