

Understanding the Basics of Pole Vault Approach Run Technique for Beginners

Micah Sparks
Author Micah Sparks

Whether you’re an aspiring pole vaulter or just looking to learn something new, understanding the basics of the pole vault approach run is essential. Knowing the key components of the approach run, how to set it up, and how to execute it correctly, can help you vault higher and more accurately. Here we’ll cover the basics of the pole vault approach run and provide some tips for improving your technique.

What is Pole Vaulting?

Pole vaulting is an athletics event in which a competitor jumps over a bar using a long flexible pole as propulsion. The goal is to clear the bar without knocking it down in the least amount of attempts. It’s a thrilling and dangerous event that requires excellent technique and strength.

Pole vaulting has been part of the Olympic Games since 1896, and is one of the most popular track and field events. It is also a popular event in high school and college athletics. The world record for the men's pole vault is held by Frenchman Renaud Lavillenie, who cleared 6.16 meters in 2014. The women's world record is held by American Jenn Suhr, who cleared 5.03 meters in 2012.

The Basics of the Pole Vault Approach Run

The pole vault approach run is a series of steps that a pole vaulter takes before launching into the air. It’s a key element of pole vaulting, as it provides the momentum needed to clear the bar. Proper technique is essential if you want to maximize your performance.

The approach run typically begins with a few steps of acceleration, followed by a few steps of maximum speed. The pole vaulter then plants the pole and launches into the air. The approach run should be tailored to the individual athlete, as different body types and pole lengths require different techniques. It’s important to practice the approach run regularly to ensure that you’re comfortable with the technique and can execute it with confidence.

The Key Components of the Pole Vault Approach Run

There are three key components to the pole vault approach run: the transition, the plant, and the launch. The transition involves decreasing your speed and gradually shifting your weight onto your plant leg as you prepare for takeoff. The plant is the process of planting the pole securely into the box on the runway. This should be done with as much force as possible to ensure a powerful launch. Finally, the launch is when you use the power from your plant to propel yourself into the air.

It is important to practice the approach run regularly to ensure that you are comfortable with the movements and can execute them with precision. Additionally, it is important to practice with different pole lengths to ensure that you are comfortable with the different weights and lengths of the pole. With practice, you will be able to perfect your approach run and maximize your performance in the pole vault.

Setting Up Your Approach Run

In order to execute a successful approach run, you need to set up your run correctly. Start by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart and your toes pointed forward. Then take off at a moderate speed, increasing your stride as you go. As you near the takeoff box, begin to transition your weight onto your plant leg while slowing down. Once you reach the box, use your dominant leg to plant the pole securely and launch into the air.

When you land, make sure to keep your body upright and your arms extended. This will help you maintain balance and control your speed. Additionally, it is important to keep your eyes focused on the landing area. This will help you adjust your body position in the air and land safely. Finally, make sure to practice your approach run regularly to ensure that you are comfortable with the technique.

Executing the Pole Vault Approach Run

Once you’ve set up your approach run, it’s time to execute it. This can be done in one fluid motion, or in two separate motions (transition and launch). Start by taking off at a moderate speed, increasing your stride length as you go. When you reach the takeoff box, transition onto your plant leg and use as much force as possible to plant the pole firmly into the box. Once you’ve planted the pole, use all of the power from your plant to launch yourself into the air.

It is important to remember to keep your eyes focused on the bar throughout the approach run and the vault. This will help you to maintain your balance and ensure that you are in the correct position when you reach the takeoff box. Additionally, it is important to keep your arms and legs in the correct position throughout the approach run and the vault. This will help you to maximize your power and ensure that you are able to reach the bar.

Common Mistakes to Avoid in the Pole Vault Approach Run

When executing an approach run, there are a few common mistakes that can lead to a poor performance. One mistake that many novice vaulters make is taking off too quickly. This can lead to a weak take-off, as you won’t have time to build up enough momentum before planting the pole. Another mistake is planting too far away from the takeoff box, which can lead to a weak launch. Finally, be sure not to plant too far forward or too far back in relation to the takeoff box.

Tips for Improving Your Pole Vault Approach Run Technique

One of the best ways to improve your approach run technique is to practice regularly. Try taking multiple practice runs with no pole to get comfortable with the motion. You can also practice with a pole and gradually increase your speed and stride length as you go. Once you’re comfortable with the motion, start adding in a few jumps with a pole to get used to planting and launching from different positions.

Training Exercises for Developing Your Pole Vault Approach Run Technique

In addition to regular practice, there are some training exercises that can help you develop your pole vault approach run technique. Plyometric exercises such as depth jumps and box jumps can help increase your power and explosiveness. Sprints and agility drills such as bounding drills can also help improve your coordination and agility while running. Finally, core exercises such as planks and crunches can help build strength in your core muscles.


The pole vault approach run is a critical part of becoming a successful pole vaulter. Understanding its key components and how to correctly set up and execute an approach run can help you maximize your performance. With regular practice, some training exercises, and an awareness of common mistakes, you can develop your technique and become a better pole vaulter.

Micah Sparks
Author Micah Sparks
Published at: December 05, 2022 December 05, 2022

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More insight about Understanding the Basics of Pole Vault Approach Run Technique for Beginners